TIRUNELVELI · TAMILNADU, INDIA· (91) 88073-62791 · harivishvanath7@email.com

Welcome to my portfolio website! I'm a front-end developer with a passion for building engaging and user-friendly websites for startups. With my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I can bring your brand to life online and help you connect with your audience in meaningful ways..


Website Developer


As a website developer and designer, I have worked extensively with small startups as a freelancer. Through this experience, I have honed my skills in creating custom websites that effectively communicate a brand's message and optimize user experience. I possess expertise in both development and design, allowing me to deliver high-quality websites that exceed client expectations. My ability to understand the unique needs and constraints of small businesses has enabled me to develop effective solutions that drive growth and success.

January 2022 - Present


Face Detection Attendance System

In my current role as a developer on the college face detection attendance system project team, I am continuing to contribute to the ongoing development of the software. Working closely with my teammates, I am helping to refine and optimize the system for accuracy and efficiency. My expertise in Python ML and my ability to collaborate effectively with my team have been instrumental in our progress to date. I am committed to seeing the project through to completion and delivering a successful outcome.

September 2022 - Present

Team Lead/Coordinator

AR/VR Applied lab, FXEC

As the team lead/coordinator of my college's AR/VR applied lab, I am responsible for tracking and improving the progress of several students who work on a variety of projects in the field of technology, as well as participating in hackathons and other related events. I work closely with my team members to ensure that they are meeting project milestones and that their work is aligned with the lab's overall goals. Additionally, I am responsible for coordinating team meetings and facilitating communication between team members. Through my leadership and guidance, I am committed to helping my team achieve success in their projects and in their personal development as future technology professionals.

November 2022 - Present



Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering

GPA: 8.54

October 2021 - Present



Marks: 88.4%

April 2019 - July 2021



Marks: 86.2%

June 2006 - March 2019


Programming Languages
Soft Skills
  • Problem Solver
  • Critical Thinker
  • Good Communication
  • Team Player
  • Quick Learner
  • Optimist
  • English
  • Tamil(Native Speaker)
  • Hindi(Beginner)


Aside from my work as a web developer, I have a variety of hobbies and interests that keep me engaged and fulfilled. I enjoy spending time reading books, blogs, and LinkedIn feeds to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in my field.

When I'm not at my desk, I like to get outside and play cricket and football, and I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself physically. In addition, I'm a lifelong learner and enjoy exploring new skills and hobbies whenever I have the opportunity. Whether I'm pursuing personal or professional interests, I am committed to continuous growth and development in all areas of my life.


Activities & Internships


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My Portfolio

My Personal Portfolio website which acts a digital resume.

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3D Creative Schools

A Complete Responsive Website made for a School decor firm.

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